A strong statement but somehow quite true in its simplicity.
Let’s step back for a second and see everything more rationally, or at least I will try to share a personal explanation of why I wrote this strong but simple statement.
Starting from the beginning, I am talking about the song ‘Daemon/Angel’ included in the album ‘Doppelgänger’, available on Spotify, Apple Music and all streaming services (check the video below if you haven’t seen it yet).
Before going further, I am asking you to listen to the song and let the music speak to you. Done? Good.
What did you feel? I believe you had a few moments where you wanted to move and this is because of that constant beat that punctuates the rhythm of the song, but at the same time, you had the feeling to stop and relax when the atmosphere was quiet and the rhythm was slowing down… And then back again with moving your head following this “hammer sound” of the handpan, like a heartbeat that can’t stop.
If you felt all of this, well… Awesome! You felt the Demon and the Angel that were constantly together, chasing each other, and they could barely touch each other just for a fraction of time.
They were so intense and eternal. They were so close… They are still chasing each other.
But who is the Demon? Who’s the Angel?
As I said in my previous post about our soul (Pneuma) and body (Soma), two very distinct elements that are indisputably bound together, the same happens here with the Daemon and the Angel, or better yet, the evil and good that are living inside us, inside every living being.
Good and Evil have been fighting (or dancing maybe, who knows) since the beginning of humanity.
They are part of humanity, and humanity can’t live without them.
I am not saying that being “bad” or acting like a total j**k is something that we should do all the time, absolutely not. Let’s face that the evil inside us is, from time to time, set free to help us.
Good behaviour can help us find the light, but sometimes, bad actions also help us survive. We all know that good decisions make you strong and wrong ones make you stronger.
Acting well for an evil hidden purpose is bad, but are “evil” actions done for a good cause bad too?
I was thinking about this while creating the song. Everything revolves around this simple concept and how you and I might feel about it.
In a nutshell, we are good and evil at the same time and sometimes we stand on one side, other moments on the other. By choosing one of the two sides, we survive.
We are our past, good or evil, actions, no matter what. Learning from them for a better future is what matters, especially in these hard times where our confused and weak society is living in.
Again, learn from your past, embrace what you have done, and learn from that. If there’s something really bad and evil, do your best to understand why and what made you do that. That’s the only way to understand, overcome, and heal.
If you think, there’s a symbol that represents all of that: Yin and Yang.

We all know this symbol, we saw it at least once.
Do you know the meaning? It’s simple but explains exactly the concept behind ‘Daemon/Angel’.
In this symbol, the black area represents yin (retractive, passive, and contractive), while the opposite white side represents yang (repelling, active, and expansive).
The dots are representative of one within the other.
The “yin and yang symbol” is a Taijitu which means “symbol” in Chinese and refers to Taiji, a Chinese cosmological term for the “Supreme Ultimate” state of undifferentiated absolute and infinite potential, the oneness before duality, from which yin and yang originate.
Many see the yin and yang as symbols of good and evil, but it’s not (only) like that: it’s mostly about balance and cycles that originated the “ten thousand things,” including the unity of opposites and natural dualities such as light and dark, fire and water, expanding and contracting… and guess what? Among these forms are humans. You can explore more on this page about the yin and yang symbol.
We were born with balance, with the good and evil in equal amounts inside us.
Since we also have free will, we freely choose which path to follow, when to follow it, and how. I am not judging you; you know deep inside what’s bad and what is right, even though sometimes unconventional methods are needed.
Watch the video of ‘Daemon/Angel’
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